NATO plans to set up an aid fund of more than 100 billion USD for Ukraine

NATO plans to set up an aid fund of more than 100 billion USD for Ukraine 0

(Dan Tri) – NATO is considering a fund of 100 billion euros (107 billion USD) to aid Ukraine within 5 years.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg (Photo: Reuters).

Reuters quoted diplomatic sources as saying that NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has proposed establishing a fund to support Ukraine in the long term.

The proposal would give the Western alliance a more direct role in coordinating the supply of weapons, ammunition and equipment to Ukraine.

NATO declined to comment in detail on Mr. Stoltenberg’s proposals, but an official in the bloc said the ministers would `discuss the best way to organize support for Ukraine, helping Kiev become stronger.

The proposal will be discussed by NATO foreign ministers during a two-day meeting in Brussels, starting today, April 3.

NATO diplomats admit that discussions on the proposal are at an early stage.

`We will not make a final decision at the ministerial meetings in April and discussions will continue when we hold the Washington summit in July.`

However, the meeting will show European allies’ willingness to support Ukraine as the US military aid package worth more than $60 billion remains deadlocked in parliament.

The meeting took place in the context that NATO is looking for a new leader to succeed Mr. Stoltenberg and the alliance faces the risk of fracturing when former US President Donald Trump is likely to be re-elected.

Mr. Trump repeatedly stated that he could withdraw the US from NATO and signaled to stop aid to Ukraine if re-elected.

Until now, NATO has focused on non-lethal aid to Ukraine out of concern that a more direct role could escalate tensions with Russia.

Still, diplomats say there is a growing view within NATO that it is time to put military aid to Ukraine on a more sustainable footing, and NATO is the best place to do it.

Some people believe that, although Russia warned that it would consider NATO’s arms aid to Ukraine as an act of escalating tensions, so far, Moscow has not had any significant retaliation.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on April 2 that NATO is considering measures that could be considered a `necessary bridge` to bring Ukraine into the alliance.

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