Mr. Biden took to the streets to strike with auto workers

Mr. Biden took to the streets to strike with auto workers 0

(Dan Tri) – Mr. Joe Biden personally participated in a strike with auto workers in Michigan, becoming the first sitting US president in history to do so.

US President Joe Biden participates in a strike of workers in Michigan (Photo: AP).

On September 26, Mr. Biden participated in a strike in Michigan with auto workers, just one day before his Republican opponent, former President Donald Trump, will also participate in a similar event in the state.

Mr. Biden wore a hat of the American Auto Workers Union (UAW) and used a portable speaker to tell the groups of workers participating in the strike that he was on their side calling for increased wages and other benefits.

Mr. Biden became the first sitting president in US history to participate in a workers’ strike.

Mr. Biden said that major auto manufacturers in the US are operating very well, so workers should also have better compensation benefits.

`You deserve a significant raise and other benefits,` he said to cheers from the crowd.

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre described this as a `historic` trip.

`It’s huge. He believes in what we’re fighting for,` worker Patrick Smaller, 56, said of Biden’s visit while standing on a fence outside a large factory in Wayne County, Michigan.

As cars and trucks honked in support, another worker, Tiara Conner, said Biden’s visit was `wonderful.`

She said it was `not surprising` that Mr. Trump would also come to participate in a strike in Michigan on September 27, emphasizing: `I hope that Mr. Trump also comes here for the right reasons and in solidarity with

Since September 14, about 13,000 workers at America’s three largest auto companies have been on strike.

If the scale of the strike continues to expand, it could have serious consequences for American consumers, who could face auto parts shortages and higher vehicle prices.

Both Mr. Biden and Mr. Trump are targeting working-class voters in Michigan – a key `battleground` state that Mr. Trump won in 2016 and Mr. Biden won back in 2020.

According to observers, Mr. Biden’s predecessors often played a neutral role in strikes, but his participation on the union side shows Mr. Biden’s message about a people-centered economy.

This move took place in the context of a Washington Post/ABC News poll showing that if the election were held on September 23, Mr. Trump would win over Mr. Biden with a difference of 10% of the popular vote.

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