Billionaire Elon Musk gave Ukraine advice on the counterattack campaign

Billionaire Elon Musk gave Ukraine advice on the counterattack campaign 0

(Dan Tri) – American technology billionaire Elon Musk gives Ukraine advice on the counterattack campaign against the Russian army that has lasted more than 5 months.

American billionaire Elon Musk (Photo: Getty).

In an interview with American media on November 10, billionaire Musk was asked whether he thought Ukraine should negotiate peace with Russia.

Mr. Musk did not give a direct answer to this question, but emphasized that he would advise Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky not to send young citizens to the battlefield because they are at high risk of dying.

He said that in the Russia-Ukraine war, whichever side actively attacks will face great losses in human resources.

This is not the first time the Tesla boss has commented on Ukraine’s counterattack campaign.

Previously, Mr. Musk also proposed a peace plan for Russia and Ukraine, recommending that Kiev accept Crimea as Russia’s.

In addition, he said that the four Ukrainian territories that Russia annexed last year should hold a referendum again under United Nations supervision.

Late last month, Mr. Musk warned that conflicts in the Middle East and Ukraine `could escalate into World War 3.`

The American billionaire does not understand why soldiers from Russia and Ukraine die every day.

At that time, Mykhailo Podoliak, Advisor to the Chief of Staff of the President of Ukraine, said that Mr. Musk made a `serious mistake` in believing that if Ukraine made concessions to Russia, that would end the war and Kiev would achieve peace.

In addition, he called on the US to improve relations with Russia and convince Ukraine to join a ceasefire with Moscow.

Mr. Musk proposed that US policy should be to `avoid World War 3` and prevent a situation where `regional conflicts quickly become global conflicts`.

Mr. Musk said that US policy has been forcing Russia to `become allies with Iran and China` and that relationship could be detrimental to the West in a global conflict.

Moscow has repeatedly declared its readiness to negotiate with Kiev, although last fall Mr. Zelensky signed a decree banning all negotiations with Russia as long as President Vladimir Putin is still in power.

Mr. Zelensky reaffirmed that stance earlier this month, once again ruling out any territorial concessions to Moscow.

Ukraine launched a counterattack against Russia in June. Kiev has devoted relatively large resources to regain territory from Russia but has not achieved any major results so far.

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