Mr. Biden changed his campaign strategy to prepare for a rematch with Mr. Trump

Mr. Biden changed his campaign strategy to prepare for a rematch with Mr. Trump 0

(Dan Tri) – Experts and American media have pointed out notable changes in President Joe Biden’s election strategy this time, when the confrontation with his predecessor Donald Trump is about to recur.

Mr. Biden took photos with diners at a restaurant when he visited metropolitan Detroit, Michigan on February 1 (Photo: Reuters).

Mr. Biden is traveling across the United States to mobilize voters as the election campaign enters its intense phase.

According to allies and many analysts, it is an unusual approach but helps promote Mr. Biden’s strengths, in the context of increasingly divided American media about the election.

Mr. Biden’s meetings with ordinary people are being turned into campaign videos and posts on the social network TikTok, attracting millions of views.

Mr. Biden, who is no stranger to crowded events, received support for his State of the Union address on March 7 and is looking ahead to another big event on March 29, a rally.

Mr. Biden quickly visited 9 states after the State of the Union, including the `battleground` states of Nevada, Arizona, Michigan and Wisconsin.

Mr. Biden’s campaign is betting on a different approach, including expensive ads and small events to generate attention from local newspapers, radio stations – all spread out.

Campaign officials see the dawn of a post-Covid-19 election era, but professor David Barker at American University in Washington doesn’t think so.

Mr. Barker said that relying on digital media to attract crowds could neglect older voters who do not use social networks and often pay more attention to television ads.

The campaign strategy is different from Mr. Trump

According to sponsors and strategists, with a lead of only 1 percentage point in the latest Reuters/Ipsos poll of registered voters, Mr. Biden needs to highlight the clear difference.

Mr. Biden changed his campaign strategy to prepare for a rematch with Mr. Trump

Mr. Biden talked to a child at a campaign rally in Milwaukee, Wisconsin (Photo: Reuters).

Mr. Biden did not hold large election rallies in 2020 due to the Covid-19 epidemic, while Mr. Trump hosted events with thousands of attendees.

The election campaign team said they knew that Mr. Biden could hold an online campaign on Zoom with about 5,000 supporters and still have great influence.

Small events with carefully selected participants also allowed the campaign to avoid the protests that have plagued Mr. Biden for months, because of his support for Israel’s retaliation campaign against Hamas during the conflict.

Last November, a cleric interrupted Mr. Biden at a fundraising event in Minnesota, urging him to call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

In Dallas this month, protesters blew whistles and shouted `freedom for Palestine` from 5 a.m., waking everyone at the hotel where Mr. Biden was staying.

Campaign officials affirmed that the protests did not affect the campaign, but the White House only announced the exact location of Mr. Biden’s rallies until just before the event.

Online, Mr. Biden’s campaign is focusing on posts that highlight him expressing sympathy, giving advice and sharing snacks with families.

A video showing him meeting a 9-year-old boy with a stutter who asked him how to overcome himself has attracted 1.2 million views on TikTok and attracted more than 280,000 likes on Instagram.

`He has a direct connection with people and that’s different from Mr. Trump’s big rallies and loud, boisterous chants,` said a Democratic official in Wisconsin.

Meanwhile, experts say that Mr. Trump’s incendiary rhetoric has helped him dominate the news, like the election campaign in Dayton, Ohio on March 16, in which he warned

Mr. Biden changed his campaign strategy to prepare for a rematch with Mr. Trump

Mr. Biden is expected to rematch with his predecessor Trump in November (Photo: Reuters).

Supporters who attend Mr. Trump’s rallies have noticed a shift in the Republican Party in recent years: Many are working-class voters who support Mr. Trump on a range of issues, from

Mr. Trump has focused on early voting states until he wins enough electoral votes to win the presidential nomination, organizing rallies with hundreds or thousands of participants.

Mr. Trump’s press secretary Karoline Leavitt said the former president was enthusiastically welcomed by crowds of Americans wherever he went.

The world and Americans are watching to see how former President Trump and his successor Biden are expected to face off in the US presidential election in early November.

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