The president of Harvard University was called to resign due to suspicion of plagiarism

The president of Harvard University was called to resign due to suspicion of plagiarism 0

(Dan Tri) – There are increasing calls for the president of prestigious Harvard University in the US, Ms. Claudine Gay, to resign due to accusations of plagiarism.

President of Harvard University, Ms. Claudine Gay (Photo: Getty).

America is shocked by the news that Claudine Gay is suspected of plagiarism in dozens of her previous academic articles.

‘I don’t feel happy saying this,’ said a Liberal Post journalist when calling for Ms. Gay to resign.

The Republican Party in the US House of Representatives also announced that they are expanding the investigation into Ms. Gay as plagiarism allegations continue to increase.

`Harvard’s Claudine Gay should resign,` wrote Washington Post columnist and senior editor Ruth Marcus.

Ms Marcus said she initially dismissed Ms Gay’s critics, believing it was a `political plot` and `racist`.

`She plagiarized. I don’t feel happy saying this, but Harvard president Claudine Gay should resign,` Marcus wrote.

Marcus said that the cases of problematic citations in the articles of Ms. Gay, a political scientist, are too numerous to ignore.

Journalist Marcus cited a Washington Free Beacon report that found that Ms. Gay copied entire sentences and entire paragraphs with only one or two words changed in `at least 10` cases of alleged plagiarism.

`The full list of references includes seven publications by Ms. Gay, two more than previously reported, accounting for nearly half of her scholarly output,` the source said.

In addition, this female principal was also accused of less serious plagiarism related to Ms. Gay’s works published in peer-reviewed journals.

Ms. Gay was also accused of copying a colleague’s work for her 1997 doctoral thesis without specifying the source, journalist Marcus wrote.

`That’s not negligence. That’s plagiarism,` Marcus argued.

In Harvard University’s guidelines, the school has affirmed that `taking any ideas or language from another person without clearly stating the source in the article is considered plagiarism` and that student is subject to the harshest disciplinary action.

Despite growing calls for Ms. Gay to resign, Harvard University has so far supported the female president.

In a statement released on December 12, the Harvard Corporation, Harvard University’s board of directors, `reaffirmed` its support for President Gay to continue holding the position.

Harvard admitted that, after an independent investigation, it found `several instances of incomplete citations` or `duplicate language without proper citation` in her 1997 doctoral dissertation.

Principal Gay himself also spoke up to defend his `integrity`.

In December 2022, Ms. Gay, Principal of Harvard University’s School of Arts and Sciences, was appointed as the new principal of this most prestigious school in the world, replacing her predecessor Lawrence Bacow.

After the above decision, Ms. Gay, then 52 years old, made history as the first black female president of Harvard University, a nearly 400-year-old school that belongs to the Ivy League group of America’s top universities.

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