The `honeymoon` period of the new Korean President

The `honeymoon` period of the new Korean President 0

(Dan Tri) – With the image of a popular leader who blends with the masses, new Korean President Moon Jae-in is receiving unprecedented support from voters in nearly a decade.

South Korean President Moon Jae-in has lunch at the canteen with his staff.

The photo of new Korean President Moon Jae-in leisurely walking and enjoying coffee with staff at the presidential palace has attracted a lot of attention from the online community and became a topic in many major newspapers of the country.

A spokesman for President Moon said that the photo is also a way for the new President to send the message that he is ready to mingle with the masses.

The `honeymoon` period of the new Korean President

President Moon walks with his staff.

Refusing to let his assistant help him take off his coat, being ready to answer reporters’ questions, and volunteering to eat a $3 lunch at the cafeteria with Blue House staff, South Korean President Moon Jae-in is making an impression.

According to survey results from Realmeter, President Moon’s approval rating is currently at 75%, the highest in nearly a decade.

The `honeymoon` period of the new Korean President

President Moon took a selfie with his staff.

Daniel Tudor, author of several books on Korean politics and society, commented: `President Moon is going through a honeymoon period.

However, observers also warn that this `honeymoon` period for Mr. Moon will not last long if he does not fulfill his election campaign commitments such as promoting jobs and improving social welfare.

The `honeymoon` period of the new Korean President

Mr. Moon walked with reporters.

Mr. Moon was elected president of South Korea with more than 40% of the votes.

`Most Korean presidents have lost the love of the masses at the end of their terms,` ​​said author Tudor, referring to the fact that most former Korean presidents, their relatives or assistants are entangled in

Minh Phuong

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