Testimony of Moscow terrorist attack suspect

Testimony of Moscow terrorist attack suspect 0

(Dan Tri) – One of the suspects claimed to have been hired to carry out a terrorist attack at a theater on the outskirts of Moscow (Russia) on the evening of March 22, killing 143 people so far.

Suspect of terrorist attack in Moscow (Screenshot).

Editor-in-chief of RT news agency (Russia) Margarita Simonyan today published the testimony of one of the suspects in the terrorist attack at the Crocus City theater, on the outskirts of Moscow last night.

The video shows a bearded man being restrained, lying on the ground and speaking in broken Russian about how he was paid to carry out the terrorist attack.

`I shot people in Crocus City to get paid,` the man said.

Initially, the man said he was promised a remuneration of 500,000 rubles ($5,400), but has now only received half the amount via wire transfer.

However, the man later changed his testimony, saying he was hired for a fee of 1 million rubles.

This person said that 1 month ago, he contacted an unknown person via Telegram and was then provided with weapons.

In the video, the man also confirmed that he had come to Russia from Turkey since March 4.

On the evening of March 22, a group of armed people broke into the theater hall in Crocus City and began attacking people in the auditorium right before the music program took place.

According to the Russian Investigation Committee, as of this afternoon March 23, the number of people killed in the terrorist attack has increased to 115 people, while more than 100 people are injured, many of them critically.

Moscow Governor Andrei Vorobyov said the death toll could rise quickly.

RT Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan said that the death toll had reached 143 people.

After the attack, Moscow canceled all mass gathering events this weekend, placing four airports in Moscow on high alert.

Authorities said it could take rescue forces several days to search and clean up the rubble after the attack.

The Russian Federal Security Service said they arrested 11 suspects, including four suspects who directly participated in the attack.

Although the self-proclaimed Islamic State (IS) has claimed responsibility, Moscow continues to suspect Ukraine is involved.

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