President Putin stated the conditions for ending the conflict with Ukraine

President Putin stated the conditions for ending the conflict with Ukraine 0

(Dan Tri) – President Vladimir Putin said that Russia needs security guarantees to consider negotiating an end to the conflict in Ukraine.

The Russia-Ukraine conflict has lasted more than 2 years (Illustration: AFP).

In an interview with domestic media on March 12, Russian President Vladimir Putin emphasized that Moscow is ready to resolve the conflict with Ukraine `by peaceful means`.

`We are primarily concerned with Russia’s security. We will proceed from there,` the Kremlin owner said.

Asked whether a `fair agreement` with the West could be reached, Putin said: `I don’t trust anyone, but we need guarantees.`

Mr. Putin emphasized that Russia needs security guarantees to consider negotiating an end to the conflict with Ukraine and that any negotiations must be based on `the situation on the ground.`

`Are we ready to negotiate? Yes, we are ready, but we only negotiate based on reality or as many people say, the situation on the ground, not based on illusions,` the President said.

He stated that the negotiations are not a pause to give Ukraine time to rearm but must be a serious dialogue to ensure security for Russia.

Earlier this year, Bloomberg quoted knowledgeable sources as saying that, through indirect channels, President Putin signaled his readiness to negotiate through an intermediary to end the current conflict in Ukraine.

`Sources say that Putin may be willing to consider dropping his demand to maintain neutral status for Ukraine and even eventually abandon his opposition to Ukraine becoming a NATO member,` Bloomberg wrote.

The Russia-Ukraine conflict has lasted more than 2 years and shows no signs of ending.

Russia currently controls about 18% of Ukraine’s territory.

`Russia is ready to use nuclear weapons`

In the interview, President Putin said that Russia is ready to use nuclear weapons if there is any threat to Russia’s existence, independence, and sovereignty.

`Of course, from a military technical standpoint, we are always ready. We always have those weapons available, and are always in a state of combat readiness. We have our own principles and we are ready to

On the other hand, he emphasized that Russia currently has no need to use tactical nuclear weapons in the military campaign in Ukraine.

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