China threatened to respond to the US Deputy Secretary’s visit to Taiwan

China threatened to respond to the US Deputy Secretary's visit to Taiwan 0

(Dan Tri) – China warned that it will make a `necessary response` to the visit of the US Deputy Secretary of State to Taiwan this week.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin (Photo: Reuters)

Speaking in Beijing today, September 17, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said Beijing had issued a strong diplomatic note to Washington to protest the visit of US Deputy Secretary of State Keith Krach to Taiwan.

A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman emphasized that the visit of the US Deputy Secretary of State to Taiwan will `encourage the arrogant attitude of separatist forces demanding Taiwan independence`.

`Mr. Krach’s visit seriously violates the One China Principle and harms US-China relations as well as the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait,` Mr. Wang added.

“We urge the US side to fully realize the very high sensitivity of the Taiwan issue.

According to the announcement of the US State Department, Deputy Secretary Keith Krach will visit Taiwan to attend the memorial service for former Taiwanese leader Ly Dang Huy on September 19.

US Assistant Secretary of State for East Asia and the Pacific David Stilwell announced last month that Washington would strengthen relations with Taiwan by establishing a bilateral economic dialogue.

US Health Secretary Alex Azar also made a trip to Taiwan last month, becoming the highest-ranking US official to visit the island since Washington stopped diplomatic relations with Taipei in favor of Beijing in 2019.

China always considers Taiwan an inseparable part of its territory and is ready to annex it at any cost, including using force.

Officially, Washington still recognizes the `One China` principle.

Reuters reported on September 16 that Washington plans to sell 7 weapons systems including mines, cruise missiles and drones to Taiwan, in the context of President Donald Trump increasing pressure on China in advance.

Hu Xijin, Editor-in-Chief of the Global Times, a subsidiary publication of People’s Daily – the mouthpiece of the Chinese Communist Party, warned earlier this month that China would punish senior US officials who visit Taiwan

Chinese anti-submarine aircraft approached Taiwan

Taiwan’s defense agency said two Chinese anti-submarine aircraft flew into the air defense identification zone in southwest Taiwan on September 16 and left after Taiwan’s armed forces sent a warning signal.

The Chinese military regularly conducts large-scale exercises or military moves near Taiwan.

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